May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

They're going to get him. And when they do, he'll appeal...

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So? There's just as good a chance the court will reject the appeal. Either way, he'd lose on appeal.

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I’m confused by this. Isn’t it possible to appeal directly to SCROTUS claiming some type of need for speedy action? If so, the fix is in the bag.

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That's risky, if you recall Jack Smith tried then they kicked it back down. But either way, who cares? He's going down. He's toast. What's with the doomsday talk?

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Lorraine, Jack Smith knew when he filed cert with SCOTUS that he was on the wrong side of the SCOTUS decision-makers (but he was on the right side of justice for the People). He was sending up a trial balloon to smoke them out - and when they so quickly responded that they were denying hearing it, it clued him as to how they were thinking in the case of an eventual ruling on immunity on appeal. He has thus been prepared all along for their dodging and weaving with the immunity issue. That was no fluke: everything he does is with a purpose (and a plan B, C and D. It looks like Jim Sanders is asking about the possibility of a Trump team appeal to SCOTUS (if that were even possible, the fix would be in as Jim has stated). But Trump, like everyone else, will have to follow the appeal process given by New York - and if SCOTUS agreed to a cert request from Trump's lawyers, that would be blatantly telling.

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Exactly. Thanks for your wisdom Valere. Roberts' SCOTUS is corrupt AF, but he's trying to walk the line and start to clean up the image. We'll see.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you for communicating what I was thinking better than I did.

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Agreed Jim.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Not trying to be a know it all. The Supreme Court has been so blatant in supporting Trump and the evangelicals that I think the American people are finally fed up. I do expect some protesting.

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I’m not a doomsdayer—though I confess that those thoughts sometimes leak into my consciousness. Let’s just say I have an allergic response to the rising pollution emanating from the MAGA MINDLESS.

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It's definitely alarming, survival instincts kick in. Fight, not flight. 💪🏻💙

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

We need a new Billie Holliday singer/writer but instead of singing about strange fruit dark pollens.

Dark pollens in the wind

Will more than make me sneeze

As my allergic reaction

May make my soul freeze.

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Sorry I was not clear. I meant in the bag for Trump. Doomsday? Hmmm. Maybe so. However, I have served on juries. I spent six months serving on a grand jury providing indictments twice a week.i have 25 years doing expert witness work in court on civil cases. That experience and more clearly shows me that the legal system is highly flawed.

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Okay. So doomsday?

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

😀♐️♐️♊️ Honestly, not trying to be argumentative. I’ll butt out.

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RemovedMay 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff
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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Jim, I responded above as well. It could only be called blatant favoritism if Trump's team filed cert and received an acceptance by the SCOTUS to hear an appeal that had jumped the fences to get there.

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Yes, blatant favoritism. Unfortunately putting a name to it does not change it.

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But he'll snake...because he's a snake... It's just so...UNGHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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So? I don't do doomsday. He's finally facing consequences. The other trial might not happen before the elections but who gives a shit? He already lost 3 massive civil trials. He'll lose this one. He'll lose the election. Stop giving him more power than he really has.

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You're right, Lorraine. Things are looking pretty bleak for him.

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Right Mary Ellen? I'm not sure how people keep trying to spin this as something good for him or whatever. It's exhausting.

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

E. Jean Carroll and Robbie annihilated him. He lost the election at that point, but he’s lost everything: his money, his reputation, his power. Putin is now only on the fringes hedging his bets. And the same for Sadia Arabia. Biden is going to win and win big and we’re going to have a blue bicameral Congress. We are going to need much more than this four years to recover our democracy and I’m guessing it will take about 16 years altogether. So we can’t stop this movement after November 5.

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Absolute agree with everything you're saying Valere. And after Nov 5th we're just getting started to restore our democracy and make it stronger.

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Great point, Lorraine.

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Thanks for the quick reply Jena!

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It's a great point especially for those of us who aren't very familiar with the legal system. We KNOW the orange one will use ANY tactic to weasel out of being held accountable :-(

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Yes, this "empty chair defense" is exactly what's involved in another project I'm working on.

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It's a bit alarming to be honest.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Putin is in the empty chair.

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Ha! That's such a great observation. It would be awesome if the prosecution started pointing to the empty chair on the stand and said the only eye witness they couldn't get was Putin.

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Don’t forget: Alex Whiting, who took over for Jack Smith when he came here from the hag is now here helping him. His expertise is bringing down mafia (like don-Don) and international crime and he was pivotal in bringing Thacci to justice. Thacci, Kosovo’s former president was arrested by Jack Smith as he was stepping on his plane to meet Trump on election eve 2020. Among other war, crimes included selling body parts of political appointments, and some of those political appointments with their missing body parts are brave enough to testify against him. So Alex is here, and Trump knows it very well who he is. Alex is in court almost every day. Watching. He is well aware that Trump is a devolving. how would you like to be in court with Alex Whiting at your back and knowing that his expertise was in international war crimes such as selling doc doc documents, extra judicial proceedings such as mafia involvement and Putin involvement. I think Trump is very very nervous.

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I was under the impression that techniques developed to prosecute organized crime can be used to overcome the empty chair problem. However, not being a prosecutor—or a lawyer for that matter—I don’t know the details.

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I only happen to know this defense because I'm working on a project using it.

There are so many ways to go about prosecuting trump. To me, it could even include the money laundering technique I mention.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Don't forget two elections with Russian interference - with a 1,000 page bipartisan senate report released: determining there was Russian interference in 2016, they anticipated it again in 2020 (there was with the re-use of Steve Bannon's Cambridge Analytica data), and now Steve Bannon and now known Russian money launderer Paul Manafort is back on Trump's campaign team. I have thought since Alex Whiting came from the Hague to join Jack Smith that he was working on that international crime against our country. We had a three headed snake with Putin (aka 'daddy'), Trump and Bannon - now we have a fourth head with Paul Manafort.

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So well said Valere. Thank god we've won every election since Nov 8, 2016. We're showing those traitors this is NOT Russia, we don't sit around and watch a criminal take over our democracy. This is the USA.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

There are more of us than there are of them, and we are ramping up. In my humble opinion, Steve Bannon has been our greatest threat. I’m glad he’s going to trial in September with Judge Merchan sitting on the bench. His crimes are worse than that he’s been tried for this time. He’s been colluding with Russia with election interference since 2016 again in 2020 and again now. He’s part of the three headed domestic snake: Trump, Bannon, and Manafort.

Then we have the three headed international snake of Putin, Trump, and Netanyahu. And all of these snakes are in the same pit. It’s a job for Jack Smith and Alex Whiting, and they are sorting it all out. I’m sure with the help of their good prosecutors.

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Oh great point about that trial. Meadows going down too I think could give up a lot of dirt.

Netanyahu FAFOed wtih Biden in office.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I love this robust discussion. We should print copies and hand them out at the Trump trial. Maybe we could somehow get them to Joyce Vance, and George Cannon to post on their MSNBC television shows and podcasts: We could call it ‘voices from the trenches’

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I just read your note starting with “We are not a Christian nation.” Our political opinions just shook hands.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you. Nice to meet you! I’m glad to know you and we’re working together.

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May 10·edited May 17Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

In this boiling stewpot of humanity with chaotic currents of opinions, it is always nice to take a temporary respite in the shade of agreement.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Edit: always nice.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yup mail

Fraud maybe. Wire fraud

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Yes! Good points!

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Actually, it is my understanding that circumstantial evidence can be used backed up by records documentation. I believe this is what is being skillfully done.

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Yes, there is all kinds of admissible evidence, if it can get through.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

And then in comes Micheal

Cohen who knows

Where all the bodies are buried.

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Getting my popcorn ready!🍿🍿

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Micheal cohens coming and he’s gonna tell all. ✅

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May 9Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


Trump's neck looks weird in this picture. Or is it me?

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Ha! It's called neck-vagina. Excuse my French.😆

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Possibly neck yoni? Naw, can’t be a yoni since there is nothing Devine in the existence of The Great Cloaca.

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Trumpsheet's empty chair? Impossible, impossible, impossible!!! He always leaves a decent pile of shine, the phoney American Pie! Impossible, impossible, impossible!!! Look carefully, search for it, it must be there, somewhere!!!




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Ha ha ha!! Even more symbolic.

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LOL! Or hyperbolick, because Trumpsheet aka Trumpeep has small balls. In Spanish, symbolic is written as sinbolico, which means "without balls", so go figure!



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ROFL! He's a typical ballroom drama/drag queen! Trumpdip is a woosie, wussy., a wimp, a weak, cowardly, and ineffectual person.


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May 17Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Even in my Family law stuff against a similar character, the other party keeps bringing up 3rd hand info, but the supposed source has no statement and is not listed as a witness?

I’ll remember empty chair…

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Oh interesting, you're a family law attorney? Great handle!

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May 17Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Respondent, unfortunately. Not an attorney.

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All good.

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& 🪱🧠


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RemovedMay 10
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Whatever. Do you even know what block chain is?

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Interesting. I do know what a blockchain is and I, also, am very aware of the low probability of predictions coming true as the prophets of doom forecast. But musing in my little brain after reading what the prophet wrote and your response, my mind dove deep into the world of physics to the property or theory of emergence.

Using what is a good analogy in my mind is this: I do not need to know the kinetic energy and momentum of every molecule in the room to experience the room temperature.

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That's a great analogy too. Agreed, we can sense the climate. In one of my biology classes, the teacher pointed out that our brains calculate with great accuracy the time it takes to cross the street with a car speeding toward us.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yes. Without any knowledge of Newtonian physics.

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May 10·edited May 10Author

Zactly🤓 It might have been my physics class now that you mention it.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Oh, good lord! This dink got to you, too???

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I reported and blocked him!

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May 11Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Did you get a chance to read his "bio" first??? 😂 Why not toss in a Nobel Peace Prize???

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LOL! I'm literally LOLling, Alan.

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May 11Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

You have zero clue. Zero. 🤡💩

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

You must be a hoot at a party.

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I've been known to dance on a table to two😆

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May 11Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Not you🥳🥳🥳

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