I keep waiting for the final meltdown, like a nuclear reactor. It's going to be epic! Just think: some day in the not-too-distant future, we will be able to go through an entire day (and many of them as time passes) without hearing, seeing, or thinking about this exceptionally disgusting excuse for a human being.

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Well said. That's such a perfect description. It will just be over.

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If we figure from 2015, it's been almost a decade of this shit. Go. The. Fuck. Away. Oblivion. Into the mouth of an active volcano. Really. Ashes. Poof.

On a good note, I am SO happy for all your well-deserved successes! And I am going to adopt the term "Strategic Procrastination"...Brava!

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Exactly. During GW for 8 years was a nightmare. This is pure hell and he was only in office 4 years!

Thank you for checking out my stacks Kate!

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Apr 27Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I am a retired RN, and I am placing My chip on the *Dies on toilet trying to Take a Crap and when he finally, Blessedly Hits the Deck, turns out he was Giant Bottle of Orange Fanta in a Bad Suit. 🕺

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Ha! An underwater creature, the Kraken!

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Love it! Spoken like a true bedside nurse!!

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Apr 27Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you. I hope you laughed.

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Apr 27Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thanks ~ it was in me for So Long. 😬🙏🏻

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

The inner slime is oozing out

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He literally looks like Jabba the Hutt. Not a good image.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

With apologies to Jabba!

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Ha ha ha!!!

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Jabba had a pet at least.

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Ha! Same with James Bond villains. tRump is lower than all the classic monsters.

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Apr 27Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

as long as Inner Slime isn’t Orange 🍊

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RemovedApr 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff
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Cool thanks!

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Seems like he would have backed down by now, but he keeps going. Has to be very stressful at his age.

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Ha! We were discussing that yesterday on Twitter, and the general conclusion was that Manhattan AG would probably not offer a plea deal. At least not without jail time and full confession or admission of guilt.

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

That and the fact he is very unhealthy. He has not one good habit that I can see… kind of reminds me of a slug.

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Complete with slime trail!

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

An orange slug!

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yes, thanks. Nothing worse than an orange slug!!

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Amen to that.

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Not familiar with his health. But health is a precarious topic these days

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reluctant to believe but hopeful, thanks for sharing this is news we need to end the Trumpandemic. Looking forward to the order we can have in our government without this evil man

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Believe mom! He's toast! But of course VOTE!

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C'est l'heure, mon amie, LoLo. I'm so tired of this shiz.

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Amen Lolo. Bon débarras!

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I think the pressure is really getting to him! Mr.Strongman can’t take it! Or, the possibility of Melania showing up to hear the evidence is something he dreads! 😁

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Did she show up today? Or do you mean during Stormy Daniels testimony? That would be epic!

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Don’t think you could melt her & pour her into the courtroom! I was just having an epiphany or a wishful thought! If she were to show up, he’d probably faint!

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Ha! I hadn't seen any news today yet. It's funny how the first two days it was wall-to-wall coverage but now we have to wait until after the day of testimony to hear anything. Maybe Merchan shut down the press reporting.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Meanwhile, I suppose Trump slept! 🙄

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Apr 28Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Nah. His attorney found his Adderall.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Long time coming... 😳

He seems to want to go to jail during this trial... maybe use that to stir up his base.

I think this Judge has his number.

Some of the testimony coming out would make a dream team defense counsel give pause.

Remember, only one count of guilty out of them all can bring him jail time!


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He's toast toots. It's hilarious he's trying to spin it as being a martyr. Happy to oblige. Except the judge probably doesn't want his crazy base to keep getting grifted off him being the only reason I see for any hesitation.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Drumpf is going to be surprised when more of his base wises up and deserts him. His inflated ego won't be able to sustain many more hits! I think physical confrontation with his minions is increasingly remote as He demonstrates his ineptitude to take even a moderately serious leadership role. He's referred to as the former President even by Fox. You called it toast! Old stale white bread that was toasted in hopes of being palatable... tee hee... 🤭🫣🤫

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Ha ha! Stale toast with a burnt Jesus face on it. No offense to Jesus.

And the primaries have shown he's already lost a lot of his base.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It's coming hard and fast; I am elated daily... finally a sigh of relief ..... 😁🙏👊😌

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You're my hero toots, you have been so key to getting me through this.

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Apr 26Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

We have been in these trenches together for a long time. Our friendship may well be the only good thing that's come from this Trump era....! 🤓🧐👊 somehow, I don't see him giving us his blessing😜🤩😎😜

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Can I use French accent, for ze 45th...Ferk Oerf

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Espèce d'enfoiré, le 45eme!

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🙏🏻 Merci, Madame🧘🏻‍♀️🦋🌌

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That's the most expensive bad sex in American history, and the most embarrassing, LOL, if we discard the $ 88.3 M defamation suit won by E.J. Carroll, also of sexual nature. I mean, I understand that life is all about sex and money, but not in a court of law, under the whole world's nose, FFS! What the duck, this Frump! What a cheapskate, a billionaire and paying measly $130K for a shoot/shot. Only Trum peep (Trumpfook-censored) can humiliate himself this way in public, firing his own dumb Apprentice ass! He's such a good-natured showman, phonier than my phone! I like how he fakes being upset after being exposed for who he really is.



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It's all about his sad pathetic ego too. Not sexy in any way. Yuck!

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Apr 25Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Good luck is all I can say to him or about him. It's obvious people in the government rather not work with him Just an up hill battle all the time.

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Well said. There's no working with him anyway.

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May 10Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

He’s always been cracked…

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True dat😆

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May 6Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Like his makeup

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Ha! So true😆

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May 4Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I just pray something happens where the band (weird, obsessive, violent, and obtuse cult following) FINALLY breaks up.

Will it be like the Imperius Curse being lifted? Or like when Winfred turned to stone and the parents stopped dancing at dawn? They all stumble out wondering what year it is, and why we lost over 1 million people from a poorly handled crisis…wondering why the US is cosplaying 1952 and 1860 simultaneously, confused how Congress is the most expensive hospice ward in the country, and how in the actual fck we backslid 50 years of progression because if you can’t force someone to join your religion …is it even a good one? Finding out Betty White, RGB, Tina Turner, and Barbara Walters can no longer help or entertain us, and the ProLifers are gleefully willing to starve children once they are no longer dependent on an umbilical cord to live.

Or will it be like in the later 40s where their despicable leader takes the easy way out and they simply flee to another country like last time? Because we absolutely got all the mustache man’s followers…then those fckers began breeding. 🤮

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Ooooh! Love that second option! They're all cowards.

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May 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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That is what his estranged niece Mary says. Mary is a brilliant woman and a trained psychologist, she knows what she is talking about. She can recognize a psychopath when she sees one.

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Yes! I linked her piece in my article. She's a hero!

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Yes, thank you for linking Mary's article. She is a great author, too, all her articles are fun and to-the-point, I endorse her wherever I can.

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Yes her format is fantastic fun to read, great point, Dianne!

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She has an exciting tone, very original. And yes, she is a hero, absolutely.

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And fierce!

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An important voice today. We should hear about her more often.

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May 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

OMYgawd hope so!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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