May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yes Lorraine. All is as it should be as we collectively learn our lessons. And shocking to our pure as the driven snow souls that the shocking lesson to our sweet souls is coming from the poster boy for badness, bad to the bone behavior, bad to the bone decision-making, narcissist to the core, but it had to be him. We must now learn to cherish and protect our precious constitution. I don’t think anything else could’ve shaken us to the core and waked us from our complacency. We’ve been sleeping as well, but no more! We are plenty awake!🩷🤍💙

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Beautifully said Valere. So accurate, we were lulled into a false sense of security. But we have proven up to the challenge!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Hoo boy!! We need more of Robert DeNiro - he gave it to them today when he was speaking outside the courthouse. I loved it when he told the MSM he was there because ‘they were.’ Could finally get their attention. Love New York love the New York attitude.

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No one drops the F-Bomb like Bobby D!

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I noticed also when Robert was ramping up in his delivery, when he called Trump, a coward… I’ll just have to go back and watch it again it’ll be worth the rerun. But I think he said something about “he is such a coward he never hit anyone. He always has someone else do it for him.” But I kinda got the sense that Bobby D had done some punching of his own, at one time.

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Oh yes. He's an expert on mob tactics too😆

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Hawaii locals have an expression: ‘geeve ‘em’

It means give it to him/her/them.’

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Good! I wonder if the mobsters are as sick of Trump as we are? It’s hard to fathom, but I think he’s tarnished the mafia image.

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I will just be so relieved when we know. It seems impossible to know, or guess, or go over the what-ifs, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that this smarmy bastard gets at least one big legal walloping before the election. Oh please, Judge Merchan, throw the entire book at the disgusting troll who has been making a sport out of insulting our justice system. I hope he also censures Atty Blanche for his unabashed jury threat in the closing statement, unless that was a last ditch attempt at a mistrial, perhaps? Either way, there are some consequences needing to be hammered home regarding how one is expected to behave. Then we'll just see how the rest of the sordid tale of purchased Supremes and ridiculous unqualified Florida judges play out at OUR leisure. From unprecedented to unPresidented.

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Agreed, Kate. Judge Merchan handled it perfectly. Instead of holding tRump in contempt even though baited several times, he held it to a tight schedule and got it to the finish line!

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100%! He’s my hero right now. Jack Smith still is, too; he has so far done everything possible within his ability to do so. I really hope we get to watch THAT one play out in a long leisurely drama with President Biden firmly in his second term. Yeah, 2025 and forward, if we need to boot those goons out of SCOTUS first, can be the cinematic unfolding of “Flatulent Flop Fears Federal Foray.”

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Exactly. It's FAFO time for trump. Much greater minds than his won't let him wriggle out of this. Also I agree, the pressure is on SCOTUS and people will be surprised how things develop there.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yes and: they think they are above the crowd. They’re going to have a comeuppance and talking to this summer.m when The People march on the court. They’re going to get another talking to when we crush Trump November 5 and gain a majority Blue bicameral Congress. Joe can expand the court. We can push for impeachment for the justices and if we don’t accomplish from 2025.-2028 we will just do a repeat in 2029. And thereafter. Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Coney-Barrett, Roberts and Cannon need to know we’re coming for them.

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Amen sis🙏🏻💙

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Could be tomorrow! Probably not later than Friday afternoon as jurors hate going back after a weekend. 😊👍

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Having been a juror twice, I have to agree, unless there is something super lengthy needing deliberation, in which case jurors take their responsibilities very seriously and would return to finish the work needed—regardless of how utterly awful and disruptive it can be to a person's life. Having said that, it's a privilege and duty to serve, so if anyone reading has the chance, don't follow the lemmings and try to "get out of it." Jury duty is a not-to-be-missed experience that I highly recommend. And courts need to seriously increase the per diem! People shouldn't have to miss weeks of pay or use all their PTO.

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That's so cool, Kate. I've been called several times and the closest I got to being selected I broke down crying, (it was a child rape case). Every since, I've replied to the notices ready to go, but never got called in.

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Omg, Lorraine, that's a horrible, traumatic crime to be called to judge. I hope they smoked that fucker and he's living with a BIG ugly mean cellie named Spike.

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The guy was huge too. I lost it.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Hugs Lorraine.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Or Bubba.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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Amazing, thank you Scott Dworkin!!🥰

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I hope it’s tomorrow and obviously I hope it’s guilty on all counts 😊👍👍

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They have 34 counts to go through and fill out their individual forms. Maybe late Friday because of the weekend. I’m still thinking Monday because they won’t all agree automatically.

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Thanks Gloria!

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A NYT blurb today:

“Typically, when jurors request to hear testimony, they return to the courtroom and the relevant portions of the transcript are read aloud by the court reporters. Sometimes court reporters have a little fun with this, doing impressions and imitating accents. I’d be surprised to see that here. The court reporter is already on the witness stand, waiting for the jury.”

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No way!!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

A quick-ish verdict is usually a ‘guilty’ no? 🙏🏼

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That's the general sense, but it depends.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Very true. In all the cases I was involved as an expert witness—many—they all magically reached a verdict before going home Friday evening. However, none were as complicated as this case.

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Thanks for this insight Jim!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Well written Lorraine

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Thanks for reading and commenting Lan!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

You are welcome Lorraine

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Lorraine I just looked back and it was 8/10/2016 where I first said publicly Trump should be arrested for a threat. I remember how some folks responded like it would never happen, it was impossible. Here we are. Anyways, thanks for posting! https://x.com/funder/status/763244032034234368

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You've always known, Scott.

IMO, Project 2025 alone should be grounds to get tRump and MAGA congress members disqualified.

Anyway, it will be a wild ride.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you Scott.

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How nice to find this from you on an auspicious day. I watched a little bit of news before 7 AM and nothing since. I am grateful I get to read your words, hear your mind, feel your heart. Yes, we breathe!

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Short and sweet Lisa!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Say what?

I’ll believe it when I see it. If convicted, how long before SCROTUS jumps—not wades—into the case to save his ugly ass?

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Who cares? A guilty verdict is forever!

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Here is all you need to know to jack up the Senate Judiciary Committee into DOING MORE. Thanks, Sen. Durbin, but Alito just thumbed his nose at us, and you are the one who can do something about it! https://verbihundcafe.substack.com/p/scotus-for-sale

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He will appeal.

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In an orange jumpsuit from behind bars, let's hope.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

The storm clouds darkening

The butterfly flapping it wings

Where will the winds land

I do not know

No one knows


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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

New York has a long process.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yes he will appeal and SROTUS will consider the case until he is dead and in hell.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you!! 💙💙💙💙

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Thanks for reading and commenting Sue!💙

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Right before verdicts in the OJ and Casey Anthony cases I had positive vibes that guilty verdicts were imminent. Then, Boom: “NOT Guilty” hit me in my gut! Please excuse me for being apprehensive!

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Really? We all knew how it would go after Rodney King. Blacks in LA were pissed AF. That was a very special situation. This is the opposite really. New Yorkers are pissed AF at Trump!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Guess you’re right about public sentiment over Rodney King. Living in Georgia I didn’t have a feel for it like people living in LA. You’ve got a handle on it! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Oh yes. I was here in LA and it was on lock down, literally Martial Law!!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I have my own stressful situation now! My wife has diabetes and I’m battling A-Fib and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. But, a Trump imprisonment would be very helpful! 😄

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Sending healing thoughts to you both🥰

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thanks so much!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I remember watching it on tv news!

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It was the craziest period of my life. I had just moved to LA after living 7 years in Paris so I was dealing with:

Major culture shock / depaysement




Earthquake (Northridge)

All within the same year. I had a kind of nervous breakdown after the earthquake and packed up and moved to San Francisco.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Bless your heart! Stress will eventually take a person down unless you develop a mechanism to deal with it! You obviously have done that & have become a much stronger person!

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Yes, it was heartbreaking but it all worked out in the end. Thanks my friend🥰

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I don't believe "pushed back" should be taken literally. The vote couldn't proceed because they requested a reread of testimony and had questions for the judge regarding his jury instructions. The court needs to locate the requested documents or transcripts before moving on to the next point of deliberation.

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Thanks for the feedback Gloria!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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Thanks for posting this here Peter!!! I should have done so as well. Cheers my friend!🥂

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Cheers 🥂 Lorraine I’m having a cold brew. I know I’m from Canada but I’ll tell you this makes my day!!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

At the least the US justice system did, what those week at the knees republicans wouldn’t Lorraine so cheers 🥂 to that as well

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They're komplicit Peter🥂

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

That too for sure

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Hopefully we won’t have to worry about anymore free trade agreements being ripped up only to re-negotiated at pretty much the same terms as the previous one 🤷‍♂️lol

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Ha ha! I'd be happy to bring back the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran. Some things are worth the effort.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Vladimir Putin made sure that the Trump steaming pile was dumped on America.

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100%. I was just commenting, we had grown complacent about our democracy and were easy pickin's for that ghoul, Putin. But this is NOT Russia, we don't just sit back and let some tyrant take over our freedoms without a huge fight. We got this. FAFO.

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

A steaming pile of excrement dumped on our beautiful 248-year old project is such a great line Lorraine. Let’s hope that it is power washed away. The sooner the better 😂! Love that line ❤️.

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Let’s fumigate it Peter!!

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May 30Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Lmao yeah it’s probably pretty orange and toxic 🤢 isn’t it, fumigate it for sure!!

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Lorraine Evanoff: Beautiful, warm family pictures; the optimism over a verdict today, meaning an early verdict bodes well for the prosecution; and the Sunshine Moment you share here:

"All is as it should be, even a steaming pile of excrement dumped on our beautiful 248-year-old project."

Yes, the sun is shining, the flowers are abloom, and we inhale deeply of the bouquet both from the blossoms and "a steaming . . ."

Ah, the joy of Spring!

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I was looking forward to your comment Armand. Was not disappointed 🥰

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Thank You Lo

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Thanks Lar!🥰

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Celebrate good times, COME ON!

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I got my bubbly, sis!👯‍♀️💕

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May 31Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I think we’ll all be a little hungover 😵 in celebration lol

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Ya. I'm going to take a power nap. Then back to work for democracy!😆

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