May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Beautiful friendships are therapy and joy. The older a person gets, it’s harder when your bff’s die off. Trusting “new” people is challenging not just for political reasons 😝, but it only takes one to make life fun again. My husband is my bff❤️

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Yay Diane! I agree, it's nice we have our hubbies in there too. Mine is my #1 bff.

It's that one special friend, even if of the furry kind, that makes all the difference.😻🥰

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

My big furry 75 pound pooch is both our bff’s!

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Yay!! Diane, I'm so happy to consider you a V-friend🥰

Virtual friend means real friend. We need to make this a thing. VFF?

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Love it! 🥰 Thank you for making Substack a happy place to read and enjoy, dear VFF🥰

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VFF until we meet someday IRL. I know we'd be BFFs then too, Diane💕

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Lorraine Evanoff and Diane K24: I feel the same way about both of you!

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Lorriane, you had me hook, line, and sinker the moment you let loose a torrent of colorful language on Substack. It was like watching a sailor with Tourette's recite Shakespeare - equal parts shocking and impressive!

Forging friendships is a wild ride, I tell ya. It's a crazy cocktail of finesse, fortune, and sheer stubbornness. Imagine tossing a plate of mom's spaghetti at the wall, crossing your fingers, and praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that a couple of noodles will cling on for dear life. I've been there, done that, and got the sauce-stained t-shirt! I've dived headfirst into the most peculiar pastime gatherings (who would've thought Underwater Basket Weaving was actually a thing?), and I've even resorted to babbling incoherently at my coffee slinger (trust me, you CAN form lifelong bonds over the intricate art of steamed milk). Oh, and let's not forget the time I accidentally gate-crashed a book club meeting and stayed for the free grub. Talk about awkward! But hey, sometimes the most bizarre attempts lead to the most incredible friendships.

I like to think of my real-life and Substack pals as co-stars in the same film noir adventure I'm living. We're all just a bunch of misfits trying to navigate this crazy world, seeking solace and companionship in the midst of the chaos. It's like we're in this together, starring in our very own movie: "Love, Laughs, and Lunacy in the Time of Chaos." Because at the end of the day, we're all just looking for a partner in crime and a port in the storm, even if we have to wade through a sea of expletives to find 'em!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Love ya! Mean it. 🩷🩷🩷🩷

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Gloria!! OMG, this is why I had to post this, your writing is amazing "It was like watching a sailor with Tourette's recite Shakespeare - equal parts shocking and impressive!"😹😭😭😭😭

You just described making new friends to perfection! Spaghetti and all the rest of the mess. That should be in a dictionary somewhere.

Our co-starring roles real life is better than any movie.

Love you!! Mean it!🥰💕

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Same!!! 🩷🩷🩷🩷

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friendships . relationships . professions . commutes . so much - about all those things - and more - has changed since march of 2020 . a cleansing . deliberate as well as unexpected : a purging . shelving and storage . arranged . making room for : my choosing . closing cupboards removing doors . discarding and keeping as needed .

new friendships . formed organically . reunions of sorts . decades in the making . many of us returning to our first love . meeting to move our bodies moving our emotions forming unions sharing our passion openly . embracing our flaws and celebrating the miracle that at our age(s) we're still moving . breathing life blending souls with music . bundled as we enter . peeling layers off as needed . sweating . at times panting . smiling . sometimes crying . we become . family friends . dancers . once.again.always .

to make this long story short : in dance class

since things began opening up two-ish years ago, many of us older dancers returned . for some : for the first time in 20 years . rekindling relationships with dancers we once knew/worked with decades ago . making new friends we may have once known from afar . making brand new friends who had never taken a class in their life.

also, at Poetry Open Mics. I have made friends with some wonderful people ranging in ages and interests who share a mutual love for words and books and reading and writing...

Thanks for the question.this prompt for reflection

- Melissa Adylia Calasanz

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Through dance!! My favorite!

Even through COVID, we managed to keep dance alive.

Thanks for speaking up for us older dancers too. And all the other group performance opportunities. Wonderful comment!🙏🏻💙

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and in the meantime, my original Substack is here:https://melissaadyliacalasanz.substack.com/ I am trying to figure out how to keep my upcoming content separate - I will be trying to migrate the content from my "You Buy The Shoes I Kick You With Them - Observations & Experiences within the Foot Fetish Subculture" tab/subject to a separate ALL THE CHAPTERS NO ONE SEES Substack - and keep is separate from all the poetry prose and reflective essays of my personal Substack - wish me luck 😁

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Okay just followed the other account too.

Love the handle, All The Chapters No One Sees!

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thank you so much! I'm still trying to figure out all the following and subscribing and stuff on here - everything looks so different from iPhone to laptop and I am trying to use two separate emails for the two topics - not sure if that is going to be worth the trouble - my devices get confused and change which account im logged into - I think it's time to not worry about what anyone reads from my closets of skeletons 😁🚪💀

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Oh that's not a bad idea. I just have my one brand, which is kind of all over the place, ha ha!

I'm looking forward to reading your writings!

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there is quite a bit up already on the personal substack - most with audio listening option since I often use my post-brainstorming writing opportunities to get in a Voiceover cold-read workout... speaking of which, time to get the vocals in gear 🎙️Cheers

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I've danced more during and since the pandemic than I had in 15 years!

I "went" to New York and danced at Steps on Broadway several times each week from the comfort of my Southern California Home 💃 I reunited with a wonderful gal who I met at my High School Sweetheart's Senior Prom while taking classes via Ailey Extension - she's on the east coast now. Once during a Steps on Broadway class I see a direct message in the chat and it was her asking "this may be totally off the mark but did you go to a NoHollywood High School prom at the Biltmore - and were you in the Revelations Workshop last week via Ailey Extension?" Well holy cow! Yep, that was me and we have been having a blast dancing coast to coast via zoom in so many wonderful classes - we are also still friends with my hs sweetheart! He and his mom and his beautiful wife and kids are family!

I still take at least one zoom class in NY each week but Im so happy to be back in the studio her in LA whenever I get the chance :)

I have also made a few friends here on Substack as I am trying to figure out how this thing works.

I look forward to reading more of your work

- Melissa

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Wow! I love that kind of ouroboros story, especially with dance, what a magical story!💕

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Honestly, I don’t know how to answer your question. How did I become friends with you? (And I do think of you as a good friend.) In the real world, we would never meet in the same geographic or social circles, yet I feel the warmth of your friendship every time you comment on something that we’ve shared on Substack.

During my most recent trip to Zimbabwe to visit the place where we lived and worked, an old man shuffled toward, gave me a bear with tears in his eyes and said, “My brother.” So different, so far apart, such close friends.

Almost everyday, my old guy and I have our morning administrative meeting. We both need each other. We both are strengthened and encouraged when we spend time together. Friendship multiplies the goodness in both our lives.

I don’t understand how it comes about, because friendship is a blessed mystery.

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Ours was an amazing kismet moment, Switter, IIRC, I replied to your National Lampoon image having been the CFO of NL, and I ended being your 200th subscriber.

You're the kind of soul who tunes in and makes human connections, that's why you have such a wonderful business friend.

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Loved your story! I haven't made new friends since I can't even remember when! I don't even have old friends left! They are either dead, moved away or I just don't see them anymore! But I do see some of my family! My nephew lives next door. His daughter and kids lived with him for awhile but I do see them now and then! And my brother and sister-in-law live only a few blocks away. I am on Facebook and I see most of my family and friends on FB! And I have a neighbor who I see and talk to. I am all alone now since my son, girlfriend and all the kitties left in December but my son does come now and then to do chores! So, it's just me, myself and I living in a three story house with a basement! But I do have a best girlfriend who lives in Delaware who calls me or we send cards and notes via US mail and I'll see her on FB. And I am also on Twitter and other platforms. So, I know what it's like to be alone and not make new friends.

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I feel the fact that you're interacting with friends on Facebook and making new friends here on Substack is a way to keep your toe in the water.

No, it's not quite the same as hanging out with your bff in person, but it does keep some social interaction. It helps us to know when we're ready to try to put ourselves out there again.

So, thank you for sharing your situation. That's exactly why I wanted to put this out there.

A lot of people are dealing with solitude, whether intended or unintended and it helps to share our experiences.

Sending you hugs and gratitude.

Looking forward to staying in touch here🥰💕

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

But joining the local Democratic group, and sharing her musical talent and art finally helped find her tribe. THIS IS A REALLY GOOD WAY!

I was in Italy and I used to live there and go to school there and even have relatives there.... it was what was in me...that I hadn't quite seen and felt. I was changing. So the entire make new friends thing is finally being your own best friend for real....then it doesn't matter as much how people show up. You are the constant you....then my friends became even more alive and interesting.

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What a great message Laura! Moving to Paris on my own really forced me to center myself as well. It's life changing. Thanks for reading and commenting, girlfriend!💕

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Thanks for sharing your beach fun! It is difficult to maintain relationships across many, many moves and life, family, and career changes, no matter how hard people try. I feel fortunate that I make friends easily. That said, saging (my word for the obvious confluence of age and wisdom), has made me seek out lovely weirdos not constrained by polite expectations and worrying what other people think. Fuck what other people think (FWOPT)–that's definitely a them problem. Not sure where I was headed with this, 🤣 except to say I adore you, VFF sistah 💙 ! That goes for all my kickass freak-flag-flying Substacklings! (You know who you are, so any and all for whom I haven't yet had the pleasure, who jam to that oddity manifesto I just scrawled, reach out with your weird!)

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Fantastic message, this is the kind of response that makes my Substack posts so special to me.

"Saging" wow, brilliant! I'm borrowing that.

You said all this perfectly.

Waving my freak flag with you, sis!!💕

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I’m on the edges of your freak flag celebrations!! Because my body is more wild than the things I do - I never know if I am 18 or 88.! Since Our mutual friend here “introduced us” I have an eye on both of you. I am still the crazy friend just no longer can keep up with my insanity!

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I'm feeling younger at heart, mind and body too, Pamela. This getting old is quite a trip!

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It can be — after losing a lot of mobility I was a cranky bitch for a while - now I’m just crazy!! 😂

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And you can be just cranky too, whenever you need to be.

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Love it. You embrace it all. It's amazing how we adapt.

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How true. I think it might be time for me to reprint the Jenny Joseph prose poem, When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple. I kinda feel that "break the rules as long as you don't hurt others" thing is the freedom I am enjoying!

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Yes! Our freedom ending where others are hurt is a pretty solid rule of thumb.

Please share this poem.

In my novels I write about the original Tyrian purple, made from a type of sea snail called the murex, found around the Mediterranean of Syria.

I am very curious about this poem. ♊️💜

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Will do. I am so excited to read your books! Please let me (and all of us) know when, where, and how we can most help you; the main things I know are indie bookstore purchases, Amazon reviews, and pre-ordering new books. Educate me so that I help as much as possible? 🐱🤗

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Kate! It would be an honor for you to read one or all of my books!

My Louise Moscow Series starter Foliage ebook is now perma-free, link here: https://www.amazon.com/Foliage-Financial-Thriller-International-Espionage-ebook/dp/B08B49NDND

Here's the link to the series: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0842NHMDQ?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tkin

My new Louise Moscow Book 4 will be announced soon! Thank you!

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Luckily, insanity comes in a lot of different forms! 😂🫏🤗

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Exactly. I love my crazy cool fighters. But I have zero tolerance for the right wing nut jobs. 😆

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Perfectly said! 💯x 💯

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

OMG!!!!! Thank you Lorraine!!!! I'm honored to be your friend!!! And thanks for practicing coffee art in one of my cups!!! That's so special!!! Thank you!!!!! 💚💚💚💚

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Of course, Sue! You and your wifey and furry fam are my heroes. It's such a joy to have all your cups!

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

And you are ours!!! It's a joy to be your friend too!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Attaining friends isn’t easy these days, but keeping them is sometimes more difficult! My Substack friends are just the very best! Volleyball appears to be an enjoyable activity for your group! Thanks for sharing the pics!

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My new Substack friends are amazing indeed, Anthony! Thanks for reading and commenting. It's important to have friends but just as important to know the limitations. So happy to be your VFF.

This is my new thing. Virtual friend forever. VFFs online until we meet IRL and become BFFs.

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Amen Sister!! VFF for NOW

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Yes! VFF soon to be BFF IRL😆👯‍♀️

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

VFF works! Enjoy our conversations online, especially those cutting down the Orange Narcissist! 😎

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Yes! So great to be in this together my friend😎💙💪🏻🌊

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May 19Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers! Hopefully, we outnumber the MAGA Cult! Just gotta get out the vote!

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November 5th will be amazing. Yet another groundbreaking election for Dems.

Of course, we all must reach out to at least 5 friends/family members to encourage them to register and vote!

I do it every election and am amazed how many of them were not going to bother. In fact, I have found it makes them feel special that I even asked them to vote, as though they didn't feel it mattered otherwise.

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

House, not Hose’

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I got that💪🏻👊🏻💙

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Great strategy! On Jan 3, 2025 a new Congress will be sworn in with a Democratic majority in the Hose’ yippie Ki yay!

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Even better, people forget, those voted out are automatically termed out in December 2024. Even if Johnson tries to pull a fast one and not swear in those elected, it won't matter. They'll try to make it matter. But that's not at all how the system works.

We got this.💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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May 31Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

"birthday on May 25th" <--- I knew we were having birthday in May but I did not realise we have the same date!!!!! 😱

Omg Omg Omg! Imagine minions running around with shocking expressions! Lol 🤣😂😅

It is so difficult to find someone with the same exact b-day date, now I finally found one (though the year is different but it doesn't matter)! Woohoo!

Celebrating again on the last day of May! Yayyyyyy! 🎂🍰🧁🍪🍩🍧🍨🍬🍭🥳

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WHHAAAAA!!??? We're twins Janet! Are you by any chance lefty too? Belated happy birthday Gemini sis! 🥰 ♊️ 🌸

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May 31Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Yap! We are the ♊️ (twins) n we are twins, Lorraine.

Nope, I'm righty cos I'm always right! Lol 🤣

Thank you very much, my Gemini sis. Now we are called the Gemini sis! Yayyyyy! 🥰♊️👧👧🌻

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We fit perfectly together me on the left you on the right!👯‍♀️

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May 31Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Exactly! 👍🙌

Many times, people thought that we have to be the same to get along. But actually it is the differences that compliment each other which make the company more interesting. 😁

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100%. I love sharing perceptions and learn so much from my gfs. Nighty night my friend. Sleep well. 🥰

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May 31Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Goodnight to you, my Gemini sis!

It is 13.17hr here in Asia. 😊

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I’m late I’m late for a very important date - …… my dearest dear one?!! I have always had my one goofball friend to be goofy with & now WHAT Arizona WTF are there no goofball friends here???


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Yes the goofier the gf the better! 👯‍♀️🎶💕

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YES!!! I was and still am the goofiest- I love when people think you must not be bright when you are silly- then they start a convo & you blow their minds!!

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It's the sign of a true artist.

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Yez!!!!! The Mutha’ is found GUILTY!!! Happy Days !!!!!!

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What a day Pamela!🥂🍾👯‍♀️💙

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A toast! To the jury & to a perfect case for Louise to have solved!! Champagne 🍾 for the Rest of Us!!!

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Happy birthday, lovely friend!!!

Holy moly, my dad lives in Spokane and I visit him over the summer! We could run into each other. Anyway, have the best beddian birthday ever. Muwa. XO

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Oh let’s do! We’ll be back next month. Thank you for the bday wishes!💕

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I couldn't visit until this school year is over anyway, so, likely, I visit sometime after mid-June!! I spent a good chunk of my youth in Spokane, just over the border from Idaho, in a sleepy farming community, so I'm familiar with Post Falls, Hayden Lake, and Coeur d'Alene. XOXO

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Small world! We LOVE Greenbluff and go every summer!

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Keep it up!

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I’m a big, dumb male living in a small place surrounded by MAGA trucks. Friendship is hard, for my gender, anyway (https://theboustrophedonistbricoleur.substack.com/p/male-male), and being located where I am makes it harder.

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Oh Peter, believe me I get that. Better to keep your head down.

When I realized my gf in Northern Idaho wasn't MAGA after so many years politely interacting, it was like a miracle. I hope that happens for you.

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One friend you can talk to and they let it go in one ear and our the other. What a blessing that is when I need to vent.

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A friend who is a good listener is everything. Love you mom!

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

That’s awesome. You made me happy reading it. ❤️

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So happy to have you here Shawn!🥰

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May 20Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Double Tap - you just warmed my heart again! Back atcha Lorraine ☺️

I have to tell you a funny story… my Dad was an iron worker, so we moved around a lot. When I was in first grade, we moved to Boise. He was the foreman on a nuclear power plant. Sometime before Christmas, some of his guys invited him to bring the fam to go skiing… at their camp. It was their annual Christmas Festival. …At their camp. So there we are… at their camp. I’m having a good old time and my Dad comes and finds me and he has the weirdest look on his face. So yeah, that was our experience with the Aryan Brotherhood. 😖😂

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Holy shit! And that is way down south in Boise. Your dad sounds hella woke. Love him! Thanks for sharing my friend. Glad you're with us. 💙🌊

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