You ARE A GENIUS! You are so spot on in your reporting. Panicking is the worst thing we can do but I cannot help but wonder if Trump is King does that make Don Jr. the Clown Prince?

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Clown Prince!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤩🤣🤣

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Happy 4th to you too! Let's go!!!!

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Thank you, Scott, I’m your biggest fan!🤩♥️🤍💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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No, I am! 🍷💋💙🪻

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REALLY! People are stressed and anxious, but they are doing what my grandmother used to call “stewing in their own juices” - like, feeding their own anxiety or frustration. She also used the expression “running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” Which also applies here.

Our brains react to a threat (and we have just been threatened by several SCOTUS rulings and a sabotaged debate) with a few instinctual reactions, the four Fs: FIGHT, FLIGHT, FREEZE or FAWN.

Panic is a FREEZE response. We have to break this unhelpful and self-reinforcing cycle.

Panic and chaos feed the enemy. Putin loves this and his bots are magnifying it everywhere, aided by all the malignant minions of madness like MTG.

Everyone needs to STOP - BREATHE - TAKE A BREAK - and support each other. We are in this together. We can use this energy.


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Your granny is right thank you!🙏🏻💙

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Thank you for this perspective. It stopped my panic attack dead in its tracks!

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Yay Gracie!🙏🏻💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

You are amazing at compartmentalization. I’m not as good at that sometimes.

All of these SCOTUS decisions are wearing me out. I’ve reached a point where the simplified truth is Trump must lose and as many “conservatives” as possible must be unelected in November. SCOTUS made what is tantamount to a “conservative” declaration of war on the Constitution by providing a liability free roadmap for a presidential coup in its immunity decision. If Trump wins it’s game over.

In the interim stack the court and use the new presidential powers to mandate voting rights in national elections and break the logjams in Congress. Immunity from prosecution is a powerful tool.

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I’m right there with. It’s physically exhausting. But I remember that’s what they want. We stay strong and resist.

Thanks for the great comment 🙏🏻💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Reminds me of a saying from years back… “Illigitimus non carborundum”… translates to “don’t let the bastards grind you down”

Happy 4th!

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You get me, E🥰

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The fascists aren’t wearing me down, it’s us, the very opinionated prodemocracy coalition! Myself included - I wear myself down. The only thing that matters is defeating Trump and trumpism.

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Focus and resist sis!💪🏻💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Well said. Drumpf will lose, Bigly! I would be surprised if he is even on the final ballot. 😮 America is not done with him. He’s naked in the wings, not even on the stage… What we are seeing is that our revered institutions have been seriously compromised. Bad, yes… but NOW we can do something! And we shall! Clean house! From top to bottom. Our President has been given carte blanche to do as he deems necessary! His integrity shall guide him… 😄🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👊 We backed into a winning hand! Deal those cards!

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Agreed toots💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Happy 4th Lorraine Thank you for all you do. Now have some fun, Lady!

Happy 70th to your honey!

A generous Hug to you both!

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

1. I SO appreciate this note of optimism.

2. I love cats too.

3. You and I are in the same age group, assuming you are close in age to your husband.

4. After I followed you, you followed ME,and I'm just a gurl.

5. Substack and the authors therein help me find perspective and humor.

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I’m 8 years younger granny and I appreciate connecting with you girl!💙

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Close enough! I'm 68

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Jul 5Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

A cat lover here too🐈!

Appreciate your list.

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Welcome Kali!😻

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thanks Lorraine. Have fun on your cruise. Happy INDEPENDENCE Day!!🇺🇸

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Go Mama!!

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Good stuff, Lorraine!

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you! I love it when someone else adults and recommends that the Chicken Littles just stop. I needed someone level headed who would look at Biden, the guy who schooled the GOP members of Congress and walked them right into a well laid trap every single SOTU - Medicare, MTG and her swatting that he politely smiled, remarked and left her befuddled - bless you! Your words are appreciated beyond what I can express! THANK YOU!!!!!

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Amazing reminders of Biden’s skills thank you Neely!🙏🏻💙

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Neely, those were sweet successes, weren't they? Blinded by any emotion, even love, and plus greed never works which gqp forgot. They took for granted that Dems as always will accept beating and slunk back but they should've known that Biden was/is seasoned politician, had worked with/were stopped by the same gqp and knows ins and outs of how, what works even with rethugs. Sure they were going to claim the credit but being the good man that Biden is, he saw that as country's success.

My 20 something son had asked how can I be so sure that Mr. Biden is the one and that he'll accomplish all that he is promising and I told him that from where I am, and if I can guess correctly, Biden has nothing to loose and this would be his last act; and now I'm hoping that President Biden will expand the court, codify the women's and voting rights as in second term Biden has absolutely, decidedly nothing to loose. On the contrary we the people will loose everything if we don't reelect President Biden and give him majority in the congress.🙏

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Wonderful thank you for being a role model Mona!🙏🏻💙

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Jul 14Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I agree - and I have to admit the dark side of me thinks that if he doesn’t pull it off - SCOTUS just gave him the same immunity that they said the short fingered treason weasel vulgarian has…so, you know…it’s a helluva an ace up one’s sleeve if it has to be played. (Remember, the only person that ever whines about a fight not being a fair fight, is the loser - Joe might have a stutter, he might be older, but he isn’t a loser!)

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Agreed, SCOTUS will be forced to make sound decisions.

Thanks for staying with Biden!

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Lorraine Evanoff: You are so right that we have to be practical like Floofles, who finds the Pine shade near the little pool or pond, the yard being so pretty, and Floofles being so cuddly.

I share the love of cats.

We have to be in executive phase, where we pilot the ship of state forward and sail briskly against the gales and squalls we face because of the blowhard right.

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Perfect analogy Armand. The Zen of Floofles is the way. 🙏🏻😻

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Add to that how the insurrection evidentiary hearing will roll out.

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Enjoy the trip & happy birthday to your husband! Be safe & careful!

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Thanks Anthony!🙏🏻💙

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Happy cruising, Lorraine! Enjoy! As usual, you are right! Wine 🍷 is the answer to cleaning our feeds💕

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Thank you dear friend. Mimosa time!🥂

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

“Nothing works that way…” and yet today’s exact same news dump in which this reassuring, hopium-filled newslatter arrived, tells us that Trump’s 11 July sentencing date is likely to be delayed (with no clear sign as to how long).

It would cheer me very much to believe that we are fine (after all, Biden “believes in the American people”), but evidence for that does not seem to be at all reassuring. (Have you actually looked at the text of the SCOTUS immunity decision? It’s pretty stark.)

It appears that we are forced to rely upon a temporary and increasingly thin possibility of a clear Biden win in November that we cannot be cheated out of.

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I’m glad that I found this link before I commented because I just subscribed to your Substack but I just HAD to see this Palmer report because it’s new to me. Thank you! I feel relieved.🤗

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Yes, vote. That way when Trump wins, you can tell yourself that you were not a part of those who helped it happen.

Encourage others to vote, even though many of them will stay home or at work instead, or will show up and have been ‘mysteriously’ dropped from the rolls. That way you can further encourage yourself that you did all you could to keep Trump and MAGA out of office when they win.

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There's no mystery in being "dropped from the rolls". That's just another part of the deceitful insanity we are loving and choosing to totally dismantle from the face of this Earth and any other planet in the Cosmology of #1Love.

Recognize this is an already GREAT (Good Respectful Excellent Aware Truthfulness) nation, whose Divine Right Destiny, has yet to become, in the fullness - just watch what a nation of #Awake #Aware #Present #Conscious Human Beings of every stripe can create through




#DontWaitCREATE Agreed with @Lorraine


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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Peter old sport, how does a glib, intelligent, fun kinda guy get sucked in so thoroughly by a piss ant con man like Drumpf? Leave Biden aside for a moment… Doesn’t his lack of character and integrity disturb you?

His serial lies, failed business, court rulings against him based upon his wanna be thug behaviors…? He stole from a charity… was an adulterer to his wives, the list is long and documented… How do you rationalize and justify following him.

Are those your values too? Does honesty mean nothing to you? In your mind, a lying stealing, traitorous millionaires’ kid who went BK six times and was last bailed out by Putin using Deutche Bank or it would be seven bankruptcies…. THIS turd, in your mind, is qualified to be our next President? He has one of the worst track records ever, having raised our deficit higher than any before him. You think he should be our “King”….. Go ahead, marvel us with just WHY you feel he is so qualified. No changing the subject or talking about Joe… Do your best facts and figures of a commercial for ole Bone Spurs… we can’t wait! 😛

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He’s a troll toots. I gave him several chances to be reasonable then blocked his ass😆

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

He’s not even a worthwhile troll… guess it’s time for me to erase him too… was hoping for a typical useless response… ahhh well. He can make excuses all day long but he will be branded as a trumpeter… 🤪😃😆💩😲

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Jul 6Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Haven’t had a response from him… hope he saw this! Your block might have kept him out of the loop! Oh well good riddance. I doubt he would change his view anyway! The cult is real!

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Yes I might have blocked him from my feed? Thanks toots!

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Dear Peter. I deleted my expletive. But I have blocked you for fake doomsday trolling. Bye.

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Tsk tsk… have you no shame… or do you just not see through him…? 😮😛😎

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