Ooophf quite the bestseller Lorraine. Such corruption. This orange blob and all his fucking minions need to eradicated and I hope that’s the ending to this!! Once again Lorraine you absolutely nail it💙

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Amen, Peter!

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You should write your own version of Page Six more often ALTHOUGH I am delighted with your passion for Notes because you are my go to source for breaking news. Kudos, Lorriane.

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Oh is Page Six a Substack? Thanks Gloria! That means so much coming from you. 🩷

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Oh, honey, Page Six of the Times may be the grande dame of gossip columns, and sure, it’s got history, but let’s be honest, she’s been wearing the same pearls for decades. Now, *you*, on the other hand, you take those pearls, smash 'em on the floor, and turn them into confetti! The way you write the news? It’s like you’ve strapped us into a rollercoaster, handed us a martini, and said, “Hold on tight, we’re going full throttle!” You’re the rockstar headlining the news arena, while Page Six is...well, just sipping tea in the corner. That’s why the comparison came to mind—because you make news absolutely irresistible!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Lorraine Evanoff

Great recap Ms E! The proverbial shit is about to hit the fan and not in a good way for the Gop and all their Russian/fascist sympathizers. Once Kamala is elected its crucial IMO that Garland ramp up and lead, follow or get out of the way pursuing a lot of these actors so we arent worrying about it again 4 years down the road. After all, our democracy is still clearly at stake. Thanks!

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Well said, and I agree Tom. All this news is perfectly timed and orchestrated.

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I appreciate your support of Garland. Chess is not checkers

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Exactly! I appreciate your support of Garland and not falling for the propaganda machine too, Malcolm.

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Lorraine Evanoff: First, very well written, and thoroughly covering a wide variety of critical issues!

Thank you so very much for sharing.

The real news with Mark Robinson is that the pornographic site KICKED HIM OFF for violating THEIR standards, in that he claimed to be a Nazi and related hate speech.

Imagine that. Mr. Robinson violated the site's standards!

As a lawyer, though, I view the reporting about the chief justice, John Roberts, as particularly disturbing. Sex scandals come and go. Even demagoguery -- including racist demagoguery -- can subject the offender to sanction.

But the Supreme Court is a sacred institution. At law school (1970-1973), I was brought up on the jurisprudence of Learned Hand, Felix Frankfurter, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Louis Brandeis, and, not least, Benjamin Nathan Cardozo.

I have read beautiful reasoning by our greatest Chief Justice, John Marshall.

At his appointment about 20 years ago, I had great hopes for CJ John Roberts, even knowing that I disagreed with him on a whole host of issues.

Why? Because, everything in his biography told me that CJ Roberts had a real love of the law.

This decline into power politics is the most disappointing to me in the failure of our institutions.

And for what?

An Orange Carnival-Barker!

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Wow Armand! I didn't realize that about Robinson getting banned. Wow.

But, I do believe SCOTUS overplayed their hand and will be re-balanced.

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Yes, beautiful summation. So much happening. Ready to vote BLUE and start the healing.

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It will all keep coming out too, Lisa. Can't wait either!💪🏻🌊💙

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Is it what you write or how you write it that makes me tear up? Doesn’t matter. Please keep doing what you do.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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Oh my goodness, you just made me tear up, David. Thank you as always for reading and for your wonderful comments.🥰

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Yes, thank you. My question is this a spy novel noir or does it end with a black fairy godmother?

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Ha! Great question. It's more like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest!

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10 hrs agoLiked by Lorraine Evanoff

I’m hoping that Harris will use the information about the Trump Supreme Court to remove those sycophantic judges 😃.

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I think this is a real possibility Ed.

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We can get the rights to this phenomenal script we call our country?

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Ha ha!! The beauty is that it's public domain!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Lorraine Evanoff

Now something about D’Esposito!

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Isn't it crazy how something big is hitting every day now, Robert? That news about D’Esposito, and Chutkan's ruling both came out today after I submitted my piece last night!

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10 hrs agoLiked by Lorraine Evanoff

Exhausting. The House of Clowns just retired after hearing a 1 hour whitewash by Loudermilk defending tRump’s conduct on J6 and they couldn’t gavel out quick enough! He took an illegal tour of a group to the capitol the day before taking pictures all over when it was closed! Somebody needs to respond tomorrow, like Raskine.

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Oh wow! I missed that. Thanks Robert.

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Thank you

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Thank YOU, Larry!

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Amazing! I mean this is so far beyond anything that could be made up. I feel that ol' momentum playing nicely with the gears of justice that might grind slowly, but they do grind. Ground pork, anyone? (Except real pigs are adorable and dignified...how about ground Jabba the Hutt? Better.) Thanks for this! 💙💙💙💙

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Ha! I don’t eat pork so k like the way you think Kate😆

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That means you're as twisted as I am. But we knew this, didn't we, Twisted Sister? 😻

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9 hrs agoLiked by Lorraine Evanoff

Gonna be a helluva book...or miniseries. I really appreciate this synopsis. 👏👏👏

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Indeed, Susan. Stranger than fiction!

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So, Sean Combs helped Elmo with the Twitter deal? Elmo's got a lot of 'splainin to do. We need the Senate so the filibuster can go the way of the dinosaurs. Then the Supreme Court can be expanded, making the Opus Dei freaks irrelevant. The shit is indeed hitting the fan!!

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USA is in big trouble.

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Horse shit.

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The GOP is in big trouble!

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Too many immigrants. That's big trouble.

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😹too many immigrants😹America is beautifully racially, ethnically, socially, culturally and politically complex. That is its Enlightenment superpower.

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