Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It's good to read that team Biden is ready for this mayhem by the Dirty fuks that want to Steal our Democracy so they can keep the Wealthiest tax free, they will destroy America over it!

Ugh, the Wealthy need to be voted Out of office. Maga is wealth controlled. Fools and Losers side with them just to get attention,

until they're done with them, they are used up and spit to the curb.

Education is dried up when history is smeared and the Wealthy control the narrative.

Woke is offensive to the Wealthy.

Women you will lose your vote if trump gets elected.

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Amen to all of this Antonia. Thanks for helping spread the word about Democracy. It's now the #1 issue with voters!

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Thank you Lorraine. I am impressed with your work ethic and how you express yourself. There was a time when I would research and write pages of footnotes to support the veracity of references to other people’s work or just reference past documents and data. Normally I only documented work I or people in my organizations had done. But even then, the engineering and scientific community gets a little anal about documenting everything, not just what you want to. So I know how difficult real writing is. And I thank you again.

BTW, my substack is filled with things and views of things that I remember, not things I care to document. Apparently, there are few who remember the same things that I do, and even fewer who are alive to tell me how I don’t remember them accurately. But at this point, I am counting on others like you who have the patience with me to kindly tell me what I don’t know and what I have forgotten.

But I have a feeling, a feeling like I was sitting in the mess tent enjoying a hot meal and jokes with my crew, it was sunny and warm, and everything was like a Sunday picnic with my friends. I think it must have been that way the morning of December 7, 1941 across the harbor sitting at the picnic tables outside the Honolulu Hospital. Because the first bolt of lightning and thunder hit only 100 feet away from me and my crew that morning in 1971, just like at Pearl Harbor across the harbor where the ships were going to cease to exist in a few moments. But for me, the rocket’s concussion had not peaked before I was in a full sprint to my aircraft because everything about my world had just changed. I have that feeling about the upcoming elections in November. If the Nation votes Red this time, our Nation may change very dramatically.

I don’t believe that Americans in general have any appreciation whatsoever for the almost instantaneous way in which our living conditions can change. Our immigrants may but they have only had the power to change things by walking thousands of miles, not voting. I may be overly sensitive and fearful, but my experiences instruct me to beware of little things that mean a lot. Just because nothing has happened in your lifetime, doesn’t mean that forces are not aligning to change your picnic into a nightmare.

Sorry I ramble, but your writing got to me, again.

All the best,


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David! Thank you for sharing this powerful memory.

It reminds us all of the underhanded ways our enemies can attack. For example, tRump's incompetent handling of COVID was intentional to kill. It's documented, targeting blue states, etc. It killed more than any nuclear weapon might have.

They keep looking for ways to surprise attack.

It keeps us on our toes.

Americans had been taking our democracy for granted and had gotten complacent and Putin found the weak spots through the GOP.

I'm so proud of our resistance, not like Russians who just sit back and put up with it (and I say that with a very high Russian DNA count.)

We fight for our democracy.

Thank you for fighting for us. 🙏🏻💙

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I feel the same David. I read Lorraine’s writing and it makes me want to go on and on as well lol! Her passion just shines through ❤️!

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You guys🥰

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Lorraine like David Grenier says, your work ethic is off the charts. Living in Canada and watching what is in unfolding in the US is terrifying. The dishonesty or as you write swift boating has become the GOP’s calling card. It’s like a scatter gun approach. Spread lies and conspiracy theories until something sticks. Until it doesn’t. And hopefully, it doesn’t!!

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"Scatter gun approach" wow you nailed it Peter. May I borrow that?

Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

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I've thought of you in the past few days and thought... I bet she's up to something good! This is such an important article with so many good links. Thank you for all the work you are doing!

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Oh how wonderful to be in your thoughts, Lisa! Thank you for reading and for noticing all the links to amazing writers that I included.🙏🏻💙

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Lorraine Evanoff: Swift-boating -- Why didn't I see this coming.


My goodness, in 2004 I had hoped John Kerry would win. We lost a presidency of a potentially truly great Statesman when we lost Ohio.

Ohio made the difference in that election.

And what a nasty piece of work the "Swift Boating" was.

Well, I follow YOU in being optimistic: Blue wave in November!

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Armand! It was another example of the GOP cheating to win, which is all they have.

We got this. Blue tsunami, my friend!💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊

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Lorraine Evanoff: Oooohh! I can FEEL the high waves of the tsunami in B-L-U-E !!

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The arm flex and wave are my new faves together, so similar! 💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊💪🏻🌊

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I see and like. 💪🌊

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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The only way they can win is by playing dirty. Keep up the great work, Lolo!

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Hugs of gratitude Lolo!!🥰

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thank you Lorraine for writing!! I appreciate you so much!!! Please keep going!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚

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Oh thank you Sue. You guys keep me going. You're my inspiration.💙💙💙

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

We'll keep going together then!!! Mutual admiration!!! 💚💚💚💚💚

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Stronger together👯💙

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Lorraine feel free to borrow anything I write to you. I may be Canadian but I’m so invested in the fight for democracy.

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Oh yes, thank you for supporting our fight as we support yours up there too. You're in good hands but I know there are a lot of shenanigans up there too♥️🤍

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Your research and ability to stitch themes together is masterful. The idea the RNC would outsource campaigning expertise to trickster mercenaries is telling. It tells me the RNC has nothing of substance to fire up a their constituents and Trump is running out of tricks.

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Great point. It seems like another attempt at outsmarting the system. Lame.

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Remember that the “Republicans” have been at this for over 50 years and have become masters of taking advantage of opportunities as well as creating them. To operate on the many levels that they are takes a lot of money and a lot of very smart people. They are trying to take Trump to the “End Zone” like the Nazis took Hitler. And they are professionals at this game where the Democrats resemble people from the stands just trying to mob the field-of-play. We may have truth on our side but not much else.

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Okay not to sound like a broken record.

But yes, they are using this opportunity to push the GOP further right for the next time they have a chance at power, which will NOT be this time. Trump is toast.

On the other hand, Democrats have been batting 1,000 winning and way over performing in every major election in Nov 8, 2016.

We have a great team and kick ass.

They fake it until they make it, and cheat every election, which gives them some big wins.

But we have fought back masterfully winning even when they are fighting dirty.

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Aaaaaaaaand That is why I follow you! Nothing but the facts in an uplifting message! I needed that!

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I’m missing something in this and the related articles, likely because I’ve not dug into the FEC’s rules.

How will this form of outsourcing work and how do the dark money funding sources get tapped to pay for it? Assuming it does get started, what disruptive tools are available to stymie the GOP’s effort? Finally, how can otherwise illegal funding sources become legal in a national election, or are the FEC’s funding rules merely an optical smoke screen?

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Hi EKB. Did you have a chance to read the link I provided? The Bulwark does a great job of explaining all your questions.

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thanks, Lorraine! Spot on💙🇺🇸💙

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Yay! I love my fellow Substack resisters!

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Great piece of information! They are scoundrels of the worst kind! Hope they all eventually fry!

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Thanks for reading Anthony! They are appalling. There's no bottom.

They're going to get the comeuppance they deserve.

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I’d like to expedite the process! I’d begin with punching the orange narcissist right in the nose. 🤛🏻🤛🏻🤛🏻

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I'd have your back, my friend 💪🏻💙

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff


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You make so much sense. Could we get the rest of the country to cooperate?

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We got this, Larry!

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God how I love your optimism!

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I don't feel it's optimism.

I'm a great observer of zeitgeist.

We have won every election since November 8, 2016.

Biden trounced trump in 2020 and we're in way better shape now. It's just math.

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Jun 24Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It is good to see the optimism! I believe it as well because I don’t believe the alternative!!!

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Thanks thanks for reading and commenting, Baxter!

TBH, I don't feel it's optimism. It's truth. It would be dishonest to say we weren't winning.

Here's a good example. 💙


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Jun 27Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Has anyone found the back of his head yet? He appears to be missing one-third of his skull…….. apparently houses the political apparatus

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Wow great observation, fwph!

I've also noticed he does have a flat side to his head but never really articulated it.

If you haven't read Disloyal by Michael Cohen, I highly recommend, just for the description of his eye witness account of how tRump assembles that rat's nest to cover all his unsightly head features.

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Thanks Lorraine!

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Jun 23Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Oh for sure! The only options here are either liberal or New Democrat. We have Maxine Bernier up here who doesn’t believe in climate change, doesn’t support any of his positions factually. Quite frankly he’s quite desperate scatter gun approach for sure! And you can’t trust Pierre Pollievere

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I'll never understand the corruption of these people. It's just not in my nature, nor yours. SMH.

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