Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I don’t do twitter but do subscribe to several You Tube channels. Like you, the Bulwark is no longer one of them. Am totally and completely over all the naysayers. So glad Adam Kinzinger doubled down on his enthusiasm for supporting the President along with many others. Jen Rubin, Jasmine Crockett both telling people to just get a grip and take a breath! Just stop already with the Chicken Little sky is falling hysteria. As for that rag the NYT, well that Gray Lady needs to stop her presses, lock her doors and walk out into the Hudson and drown herself. The Philadelphia Inquirer got it right with its headline for trump to drop out for the good of the country.

We may never know what happened with the President prior to the thing CNN called a debate. But I’m convinced that it will never happen again. July 11 is coming up so stay tuned.

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Yes! Perfectly said. Kunzinger’s reply was epic. I’ve resisted following him on here and twitter but I’m considering it. Changing parties to Dem would help😆

Another great point, July 11th, expect more distractions and stay focused.

Breathe. 🙏🏻💙

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I finally ended up paying for Kinzinger’s Substack. His has been an interesting journey to watch and read about. Don’t know if you’re a Keith Olberman fan or not but he put out one of his “emergency” podcasts. I’m including the link in case you want to give it a listen.


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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

Thanks SPW.

Funny before tRump, Olberman was too extreme left for me. Now he is just normal. Everything is skewed. Thanks for the link. I'll watch tomorrow. Hitting the hay🥰

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deletedJul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff
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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I just wish he would change parties and caucus with dems. He'll go right back to supporting the GOP policies if they ever get back in power.

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Adam Kinzinger is a true patriot and well worth reading. He is a conservative (a real one not a phony) who has endorsed Biden and is sticking with his choice. Party doesn’t matter to a good citizen. He is a good one. He loves democracy and his country.

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Jul 3Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I keep hoping I’ll meet him so I can say, “if it’s any solace, I know quite a few people in Berkeley who consider Biden pretty conservative.” I can say that because I am deeply in the tank for Biden.

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True. Although I’ve been blown away with how progressive he’s become this term.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

I do wish he would leave the gop tho. But I guess since he left office it doesn’t matter he can’t caucus with Dems anyway.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Considering Biden’s great speech the next day in North Carolina I felt something is wrong here. Adding the actions of the SCROTUS and Judge Cannonball I’d say something is definitely rotten in Denmark.

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Indeed. They will keep doing these active measures. The resistance is keeping score.

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Also, I don’t know anything. But I used to work for DHS, don’t ask why, except I’m a Democrat and a real patriot. Anyway, things were weird during the Obama administration. It wasn’t until Trump was elected that a lot of those vibes I and my fiscally conservative, socially liberal LE pals felt made sense and we realized wtf was going on. But I never knew the Secret Service to be so treacherous. And I used to know a few as casual acquaintances. But the whole Pence refusing to get in the car with agents he didn’t know on Jan 6… obviously his detail that day didn’t make him, so were they uncomfortable too? Was the VP in a truly safe as houses location that normally (ha, normally) they wouldn’t place him further away from harm?

I would like answers. And you’re right. Biden has never behaved this way during anything! Not a debate, not an impromptu presser where everyone at the Bulwarks (and Pod Save America) takes potshots at him later. The things he’s flipped in his mind are exactly what everyone has done a half dozen times a day. Every day. Ok, I do it, and I’ve always done it. And anyone who says they haven’t are lying and need to stay far away from me.

But to tamper with his food or drink, that’s insane. Someone would never get out of prison for that. But then, it’s a cult.

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Thank you for your perspective Angela! You're keeping track, which is important. Keep connecting the dots!

"But the whole Pence refusing to get in the car with agents he didn’t know on Jan 6… "

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I really am confused about the whole Pence staying in a controlled parking lot and then hopefully moving to an even less exposed location in or very close to the Capitol on Jan 6. I don’t recall any stories on how his family got out safely. And honestly, that’s what I just will never understand about Republicans. Trump absolutely could have gotten their family members killed that day and they say nothing. I’m glad Pence is not endorsing Trump, but if someone did that to my family, I would be in such a rage I’d be in front of every single camera the media would have gladly offered, screaming condemnations ofTrump. I would have rallied the cabinet not to resign but to invoke the 25th amendment. Barring that I would have been all over McConnell to convict trump after the second impeachment.

But I digress. I recall that the agents were not known or well known to Pence on Jan 6. But I don’t think he said that, that others did. I know he said he didn’t want to leave because he didn’t want to give more time for obvious maga fuckery, my interpretation of his statement. But it was probably 6-8 hours before they were able to begin the process again. Naturally, my mind goes to a dark place about where Pence could have ended up that day, but I’m a scientist. I don’t do conspiracy theories. But of course, there are receipts all over showing an actual conspiracy to overturn the election. And also the absence of receipts from the Secret Service. Deleting all their texts from that day, obliterating them actually, unfathomable!

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

A Russian asset would use those tactics, and that describes the gop.

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Yep. They are deeply kompromised🙄

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deletedJul 1
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Yes another completely misinformed and silly comment Sandy. Dems have won and outperformed in every election since Nov 8, 2016, in unprecedented fashion. You are addicted to doomsday fear. We have been fighting for democracy and you're whining. Don't agonize, organize, as Pelosi said. Spreading doomsday UNTRUE misinformation just demoralizes voters and it is inaccurate. Again, dems are WINNING.

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Off your insulting feed. Deleted all comments.

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That's your choice. I just don't do doomsday.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I, too, heard Bob Woodward say that something had to have happened to Biden prior to the debate. There’s no other way to explain it. I got the impression that Woodward is going to investigate as well.

The CNN debate format was counterproductive. The moderators either didn’t or couldn’t control Trump’s gibberish and lies!!There was no ongoing factchecking. Trump completely avoided answering questions he didn’t like or to which he didn’t know the answers!

In any case, the debate was a fluke in my opinion! Somehow Democrats must regroup and move past it. Trump must be defeated if we have aspirations of preserving our democratic way of life!

Thanks Lorraine for your very insightful message!

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Thanks Anthony. My take is that Dems have already turned it to our advantage. Rallying stronger than ever and exposing the media as complicit. Ready for anything . 💪🏻🌊💙

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I believe you’re right!

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I loved this post. I’m really pissed so many on the prodemocracy side folded like a house of cards. Spineless is an insult to protostomes. I blocked everyone on the Bulwark too, though I was never really on twitter.

What surprised me is I told TNR to take a hike and never charge me again. They were just as bad about the handwringing and lamentations of the selfishness of Biden not dropping out this minute! They, and all of the mainstream press can fuck all the way off, forever.

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Yay Angela! We have no time for that crap. We have work to do.

At least this exposed the media as complicit in this active measures PsyOp by the right, so now we know.

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deletedJul 1
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You're wrong Sandy. Biden has proven he's a stellar president. He was once again intentionally sabotaged in the debate orchestrated by tRump with the assistance of CNN.

If you refuse to see reality then don't bother commenting on my feed. Go on your own feed. Thanks.

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I’ve deleted my posts and will stay off your feed

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No, I will never be cool with people who make a lot of money making the fragile prodemocracy coalition more terrified. This debate was one data point. The media have been screaming about Biden’s age for years.

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Agreed Angela. They're trying to hurt Biden. Period. There's no other reason.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Not much on fact checking. I watched the non-event, and looked at the transcript. CNN found only 30? Seth Abramoff claims 600! Bluenami in RoeVember!

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Right? And Abramoff listed them one by one!

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Of everything tfg stated during the debate, the ONLY claim I noticed as anything but an outrageous lie was that he fired General John Kelly.

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Ugh. And he used that as a threat.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I’ve had to edit for typos and clarity so am posting here again!


I also had wondered whether Pres. Biden, MY President, had had a TIA or “Transient Ischemic Attack”. * But I sure would not have put it past Putin & Trump, if not also Putin, Trump and Trump’s “lover”*, Kim Jong Un, to have done something to Biden.

By itself—either a poisoning or a TIA—had either happened or both if a TIA were caused by poisoning, then I think neither or both are a reason for Biden to drop out of the race. And each such condition but such conditions are tested for, treated medically, and monitored both medically and neurologically.

But as I said earlier yesterday on Substack, whether Biden’s replaced or not, the tactics to fight Trump must change and become much nastier, aggressive and almost bombastic and bullying and continually try to embarrass him and put him back on his heels.

I’d even go so far as to call him to his face “Putin’s, Kim Jong Un’s, and Orban’s lapdog or mascot, and his fingers ARE awfully short**AND that he took and kept classified docs so he could share and/or sell them with his dictator buddies or brag about them as he did at his NJ Bedminster golf club.

* Remember: Trump saying about Kim Jong Un, “We fell in love” and “He wrote me such beautiful letters.”

** Graydon Carter said Trump was a short-fingered vulgarian. Trump did not like that. And he did not like being roasted by Pres. Obama at the White House Correspondents dinner.

(On the other hand, if Trump is elected or maybe even if he is not, he will have an “enemies list”. So exactly how does ANY Dem candidate run against Trump that follows the “Authoritarian’s Playbook” in a campaign? That is why I say that we can not automatically have better Dem campaign results just by switching Biden out.)

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Odd indeed. What struck me about Citizen Trump was he controlled himself in terms of flailing and limited his body reactions to putty-face distortions, he totally underplayed his role leaving Pres. Biden’s strained behavior as the dramatic event. Not like Trump at all. Flying Monkeys or Dr Ronnie may be about.

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It's his second nature and whoever coached him to keep bringing up the border was in on it. I'm guessing Bannon. If you recall, the border question came up early, then for every question thereafter he kept going back to that talking point, with no push-back either! That was the whole strategy and it was what kept him from going off on sharks or whatever.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

I can see that, and see Bannon's advice to repetition of one message, the mantra. It worked.

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Yep. PsyOps 101.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Maybe the next debate will be or could be moderated by a non-commercial entity. Get MSM out of the chair.

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Or no debate? Why should Biden give him a platform? He's illegitimate. But I trust Biden's judgment. This all worked out in our favor in the end.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

“Putty-face” is an exact term to describe Trump!

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We all know Trump is capable of terrible things. His lackies- worse. FBI and Secret Service better step up, 24/7.

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I did not watch the debate but just clips of it on the news and I feel that SOMETHING seriously was wrong with Biden! Did someone slip something in his food or drink? Is Biden on a new medication that gave him side effects? Did he have a sudden anxiety attack? Something unusual happened to Joe! Why would anyone want Joe to step down? Why? So, Trump, lying, crooked, denying Trump would automatically win the debate and eventually the election? Really? The media, the Republicans, the Democrats and whoever else wants Biden to drop out are the real suspects/criminals who thoroughly need to be investigated!! Trump is a fraud, a con who cares only for himself and no one else!

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Exactly, there's no way his physician would give him any medication that would cause hypertension or performance issues. It must have been something. Another explanation was CNN intentionally did unflattering lighting and messed with his mic sound to make him look worse than they made tRump look. Either way, it makes CNN look complicit.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It was very… odd

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Agreed. Not on my bingo card. But it should have been🙄

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Conspiracy theorists have been right on many occasions, it’s the coincidence theorists that scare me more!

Joe had a bad day, while facing a malignant narcissist who vomited no less than 45 minutes of nonstop lies!

Biden did appear a long way off his game though and the next day was the firebrand Biden we all know!!

Veddy interesting Lorraine!!

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Vedddddy interestink indeed, Patrick! 😆

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

"For every one of those like The Bulwark whom I have now blocked on Substack and Twitter for continuing to call for Biden to step aside, there are two more who showed themselves to be level-headed voices of reason whom I have now followed."

Same. Exactly!

Was surprised and sorry The Bulwark reacted that way.

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Yes! It was initially disappointing. But we needed this reality adjustment.

It was good to see many that really freaked me out with their knee-jerk reaction like Julius Kim and Jay Kuo, then reverse and acknowledge they were wrong.

Plus I can't believe how many I wasn't following that came out really strong. It has been quite an eye opener on Twitter, it's like the algorithm was triggered to show those voices on my feed that I hadn't seen before. DOZENS of them!

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Oh, thank you for posting that. (Both about those who reversed the knee-jerk reaction, and those who came out strong.) That's good to hear!

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Yep. We have to keep up the pressure on them. They're back tracking.

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Jul 2Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

It is notable that the algorithm is finally overcoming all of the paid advertisements from the Trumpian side. While the latter are frustrating, I don't want to eliminate them so they can keep wasting money on me.

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You mean on Twitter? I've noticed that too! Finally after reporting so many right wing ads, my feed ads have been much better.

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

The production crew had choices. The lighting on trump squelched his ochre mud facial, while the lighting on Biden drowned his natural tan to ashen grey. The quality of the sound feed from trump's mic was optimal. The gain from Biden's microphone *could* have been set so that his words came through on a nominal volume. That his volume came across as low and weak was a *choice* on the part of the audio engineer.

Recall from the Nixon-Kennedy debate how critical Nixon's appearance was to the outcome of that election. This Biden-trump debate was a setup with the aim of achieving similar results.

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Yes. CNN is complicit!

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Jul 1Liked by Lorraine Evanoff

Lorraine, I'm going to write more about this knee jerk reaction -- I was shocked when I heard that Tom Friedman suggested Biden step down (& my DH agreeing). My son, on the autism spectrum and naive about how politics and capitalism & journalism work, is a Biden supporter and confused by my DH's point of view, and me disagreeing.

I don't do conspiracy theories either. but nothing would surprise me!

I told my son yes, Biden is strong and he has a lot of good people supporting him. And it disappointed me how much mainstream media is NOT focusing on the LIES and the CRIMES!!!

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Ugh. I stopped following Thomas Friedman as soon as he started attacking HIllary. So quick to accuse but never going that finger at the himself of the GOP. Disgusting.

I'll keep an eye out for your piece. Thank you for being the voice of reason with your son and everyone around you. It's going to get worse before it gets better. But we got this!💪🏻🌊

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I just think it was past his bedtime. It certainly was mine and I’m only 61.

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